1861 Journal Entries of Jesse McGee ( blog post #1 )

April 17th, 1861,

             The new president Lincoln sent out a call for 75,000 men to join the war against our turned southern brother. I have signed up. I am now sitting here writing this down in my journal wondering if I did the right thing... I just want my job and to keep our country together.

April 20th, 1861,

             The news came out this morning about how there are now 11 casualties in the war now. to be honest with myself I am very nervous to go to war. Mr. president is having a hard time trying to get the border states to join our fighting cause. I miss good my food from the farm.

July 22nd, 1861,

             Yesterday we were battling against the Confederates in Bull Run. I stood with my buddy Jackwell on my right and a soldier I don't really know that well on my left. We suddenly told to march forward and attack firing our guns as the rebs do the same. Boom after boom I fired only to be shot back at faster. Over the chaos my heart raced and I felt as I were already dead surrounded by dying men. I was in shook as I dumbfoundly looked around to see the bloody sea of soldiers around me. I looked down to see the man who was on my left was on the ground dead with nothing but a hole for a chest and that hole a canon ball. I fell to the ground with my cheeks drowned in my own tears. I was in a nightmare yesterday! Looking to the sky my stomach showed that world what my breakfast was and my ears heard my captain call out to all who were still alive to retreat. We the Northerns have lost this battle to the South. God be with me and my people and help us win the war so that we may die no more!

August 22nd, 1861

             We trained very hard this morning but apparently not hard enough because I got pushed down by my trainer. That was very unnecessary of him.

November 4th, 1861

             There is a new Chief of the Union now. His name is McClellan and he is  34 years old . He has a odd nick-name which is "Little Mac". He is really tough and I am proud to have a strong man for a leader.


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